3.3.2023 UPDATE
Absolutely Beautiful puppies will be arriving soon!
Top Quality from the best bloodlines available in Australia today. Meticulously developed over 35 yrs. Soundness guaranteed!

I'm 'Texas Tea Dancer' a direct descendent expertly and patiently developed over 30 yrs ago from the Leishjaclyn foundation bitch (1991), with soundness unequalled in Qld today. I consider my genetics a gift to all breeding bitches apparent by the very exciting progeny my sister has produced below.
I'm 'Leishjaclyn Outlander Dancer' the beautiful sister to 'Texas Tea Dancer' and 'Thunder Dancer' dam of the stunning puppies below. All now priceless acquisitions to their new families. My gorgeous babies will be born soon. Watch this space!

German Shepherd Pedigree Puppies For Sale
Secure your Puppy!
from our Stunning girl 'Aster' and a very Handsome German Import Sire
Don't miss out
Puppy orders are being taken now !!
Sire German Import - Pirlo Von Arminius (IPO 3) 'A' 'Z' (DM Clear)
Dam the beautiful 'Leishjaclyn Outlander Dancer' BSCL. 'A' 'Z' (DM Clear)
This mating is from the same Dam line shown on 'Puppy Collection Day' & 'Rollo's Puppies' pages. Puppies will be of similar type, strong, healthy, and richly coloured.
Super type, super soundness, super temperament!!!

Mum 'Leishjaclyn Outlander Dancer BSCL 'A,Z' DM Clear

Please refer our
to see Beautiful German Shepherds we have bred in the past few years
Check out our Puppy Collection Day Page to see replica photo's of the expected litter.
Check out the puppy's handsome maternal uncle (Aster's litter brother) and one super spoilt, stunning male German Shepherd living his best life in beautiful Jarvis Bay.
'Mr Spartan' on Facebook
Check out our Stunning Instagram Star
TuscanBear has 26,900 Instagram followers. (Owned by Liam & Laura)
Here she is celebrating her 1st Birthday

German Shepherd Breeders
German Shepherd Pedigree Purebred Puppies
Located in Flagstone (Jimboomba), Brisbane Queensland Australia