Famous German Shepherd Males of Yesterday
'VA.CH. Leishjaclyn Zpartacus - Gold Medallist' Bscl.1 Hneg 'A' N 'Z' 0,0
Went on to be the most successful producing German Shepherd male in the country after achieving his VA Award when presented at his Australian National Council Main Breed Evaluation. This outstanding producer boasts Gold, Silver & Bronze Medallists in both male & female German Shepherds
'Zpartacus' has been an absolute priceless breeding asset to the German Shepherd Breed in temperament, soundness and conformation.
'Zpartacus' had strength, robustness, correct size, correct Forequarter Angulation, Correct length and lay of the croup and Correct Hindquarter Angulation. This gave him the most amazing effortless movement we have ever seen in our lifetime of dog showing.
These attributes are still much sought after in todays breeding !

'VA.CH. Leishjaclyn Latin Dancer ' Bscl.1 Hneg 'A' N 'Z' 0,0 DM CLEAR
Son of 'Zpartacus' also went on to be the most successful producing VA Male of the VA males exhibited in his class after achieving his VA Award when presented at his National Council Main Breed Evaluation. (equalling the Phenomenal success of his sire 'Leishjaclyn Zpartacus & his grandsire 'Leishjaclyn Rain Dancer')
'Latin Dancer' carries the unique producing genes of 'Zpartacus' producing ‘Too Hot to Handle' National Silver Medallist who was the most successful show dog in Australia in his time. 'Too Hot to Handle's litter sister 'Hottie' National Bronze Medallist also carried the 'Zpartacus, Latin Dancer' genetics through to her son 'Hells Bells' 5 TIMES CONSECUTIVE NATIONAL SILVER MEDALLIST and is the most successful show dog in Australia and the highest placed Australian Bred Dog at the last 5 German Shepherd Nationals.
To our knowledge 'Leishjaclyn Latin Dancer' is the only dog in history to produce 2 National Medallists in the ONE litter !!!!
'Latin Dancer' is an equally priceless genetic asset to the German Shepherd breed as his famous Sire 'Leishjaclyn Zpartacus'.
'Latin Dancers' attributes of soundness, beautiful type, character, and perfect hindquarter angulation are much sought after in today's breeding.
We are so very fortunate that we saved Frozen Semen from this phenomal dog that we went back 14 years to produce 4 absolutely Stunning Young Girls that we now have to continue our line into the future generations. We are looking forward so much to what these girls will produce for our kennel.

'VA. Leishjaclyn Rain Dancer' Bscl.1 'A' N 'Z' 0,0
the Sire of 'VA. Ch. Leishjaclyn Zpartacus' and grandsire of 'VA.Ch. Leishjaclyn Latin Dancer' also boasts the most successful producing genetics of all the VA males exhibited at the MBE after his VA award at the National Council Main Breed Evaluation.
'Leishjaclyn Rain Dancer' was the Sire start of the sensational hip & elbow scores from the Leishjaclyn breeding.
'Rain Dancer' excelled in Temperament, Animation with absolute willingness to Work highlighted with lovely Type cemented into his stunning jet black and rich red colour/pigmentation. 'Rain Dancer' had correct fore & hindquarter angulations that breeders are still trying to correct in the breed today.
Leishjaclyn Kennels through 'Leishjaclyn Rain Dancer' & 'Leishjaclyn Livin Doll' are the only kennel in Australian History to have bred both the Sire & Dam of a National Gold Medal Winning Dog (Leishjaclyn Zpartacus)
We also are very proud we are the only Kennel in Australian History to have bred 3 VA awarded males in consecutive generations in our own backyard who have all been the most successful producing sires at their respective National Council Main Breed Evaluations contributing to the most successful genetics in Australia today.
This Magnificient dog earned his title of :-
Rain Dancer Reigns

German Shepherd Breeders
German Shepherd Pedigree Purebred Puppies for sale
Located in Flagstone (Jimboomba), Brisbane Queensland Australia