Leishjaclyn Rockabilly Dancer 'A' 'Z' DM Clear
German Shepherd Puppies
This page is dedicated to the present and future progeny from this exceptional proven, sound German Shepherd Male. His first litter of 8 German Shepherd puppies produced beautiful type, rich colour and pigment, black eyes, strength, substance, exceptional head and bone strength that is severely lacking in the modern German Shepherd. Most importantly the most amazing calm, loving, affectionate, trainable, easy to live with natures. Perfect German Shepherd temperament for pets, obedience, and show. (refer to 'Puppy Collection Day' page showing Rollo's puppies at 8 weeks). Rollo is available for stud to approved bitches (refer to 'Stud Dog' page)
Rollo with his Number One Fan, his breeder Jackie

German Shepherd Breeders
German Shepherd Pedigree Purebred Puppies for sale
Located in Flagstone (Jimboomba), Brisbane Queensland Australia