Only kennel in Australian History to have produced 3 consecutive generations of Excellent Select (VA) Males in their own backyard.

Jackie & Lewis
Leishjaclyn Mazkara Dancer

Jackie & Doris
Leishjaclyn Olympus Dancer

Jackie & Odin
Leishjaclyn God Dancer

Jackie & Zola Bud
Leishjaclyn NuYork Dancer

Jackie, Herman & Zorja
Leishjaclyn AuZZie Dancer
Leishjaclyn ArZenal Dancer

Jackie & Odin
Leishjaclyn God Dancer

Betty shopping at Chanel with her mum
Leishjaclyn Xquisite Dancer

Betty recovering from shopping at Chanel
Leishjaclyn Xquisite Dancer

Hazel's 1st Halloween
Leishjaclyn Vascodagama Dancer

Hazel living the life at Day Care
Leishjaclyn Vascodagama Dancer

Hazel having fun with her many friends
Leishjaclyn Vascodagama

Hazel celebrating her at 1st Birthday Party
Leishjaclyn Vascodagama Dancer

Leishjaclyn Vascodagama Dancer

Leishjaclyn Vascodagama Dancer

Jackie & Mirra
Leishjaclyn Arena Dancer

Jackie & Baldur
Leishjaclyn Long Boat Dancer

Liam & His Beautiful Long Coat puppy girl 'Kodie'
Leishjaclyn Cozmopolitan Dancer

Baxter & his Best Friend
Leishjaclyn Gargoyle Dancer

Kim with Tasha
Leishjaclyn Pocahontas Dancer

Baldur with his best friends Josephine & Imogen
Leishjaclyn Long Boat Dancer

Stanton Family
Leishjaclyn Kave Girl Dancer

Wolfy, Ellie and Family
Leishjaclyn Kave Man Dancer

Leah and Jackie
Leishjaclyn UpZtart Dancer

Check out our Gallery Page to view many more Beautiful German Shepherds we have Bred!
Mrs. Bombs Boys
D.O.B. 17.9.18

Leishjaclyn Ogle Dancer

Leishjaclyn Ocean Dancer

Leishjaclyn Outback Dancer

Mrs. Bombs Girls
D.O.B. 17.9.18
Leishjaclyn Bomb Proof Dancer' (A.I.) 'A', 'Z' Has produced three magnificent males and funtastic females, to continue our unique successful genetic line that has contributed to GSDCA National Gold, Silver and Bronze Medallists!
Below 'Leisjaclyn Outlander Dancer 'A' 'Z' BS' as a baby and 2 years of age

Breed Surveyed 'A' 1,1 'Z' 0,0 Multi EX.
Leishjaclyn God Dancer has a magnificent temperament and phenomenal soundness. He is of the correct desired size and boasts the unique genetics of VA. Leishjaclyn Rain Dancer, VA. Leishjaclyn Zpartacus (National Gold Medalist) & VA. Leishjaclyn Latin Dancer. His genetics have produced Gold, Silver & Bronze Medalists.
Leishjaclyn God Dancers genetics are still producing National Medals today (2019 National) and National class winners (Intermediate Dog) Visit 'Odin' on
Odin is very proud of his beautiful daughter and handsome sons
below photo's 6 weeks old

Check out our Gallery Page to view many more Beautiful German Shepherds we have Bred!

German Shepherd Breeders
German Shepherd Pedigree Purebred Puppies for sale
Located in Flagstone (Jimboomba)
Brisbane Queensland Australia
Check out our Gallery Page to view many more Beautiful German Shepherds we have Bred!